Recloser Control for KEPCO
Kepco Recloser control is an integrated Control which performs many functions such as measurement, monitor devices and distribution lines, faluts detection and protection, communication, and control,integrating with Automatic Circuit Recloser installed on 3-phase 4-wire 25.8kV overhead distribution feeders. It is equipped with Controller, power supply devices and a storage battery, voltage adjustment circuits, battery test terminals, spaces for modem installation and bracket, and auxiliaty power inside the enclosure. It is also furnished with Magnetic Actuator Control and Capicitor Bank.
- Phase and Ground O/C protection
- High Current Trip and Lockout factors
- Up to 4 shot Reclosing and 39 built-in TCC
- Single Shot Protection
- Cold Load Pickup
- Real-time monitoring for related devices and distribution lines, and measurement
- Remote and local control
- Perform automatic battery management
- Record fault waveforms, Sequential Events, and Demand Profile
- Operating programs to check settings and history data
- Support DNP3.0 Protocol
- Check setting, states and recorded data through an operating program, F/W Download
- Use at lines required by automatic fault isolation on distribution lines
- Apply automatic systems required by remonte control based on communication netwokrs
- Use at systems detecting faults relying on Reclose operation of LBS control
- Perform highly reliable FDIR(Fault Detection Isolation Restoration) through accurate and active protection for distribution lines
- Be able to get unified operation through remote management on distiribution automation systems
- By building centered-distribution automation system with LBS, minimize fauty sections and time
- Test Set for Recloser Control