BR-10PS - 3/4C Switch Control
Load Break Switch

BR-10PS - 3/4C Switch Control
BR-10PS 3/4C is a separated Control which performs various functions such as state monitoring, fault detection, measurement, communication, control on distribution lines and related devices, integrating with PAD mounted Load Break Switch and Ring Main Menu(RMU) on distribution lines. Control is used by connecting Electrical Control for PAD Mounted LBS. It has two types, three-way and four-way.
- Fault Detection on each way
- Measure and monitor states of each way and devices based on real time
- Remote control and state monitoring based on communication
- Record fault waveforms, Sequential Events and Demand Profile
- Support DNP3.0 Protocol
- Check setting, states, history data and F/W Download through an operating program
- Interface through extra electrical control devices
Fig. BR-10PS installed with electrical control in cubicle
- Use as LBS Control in centralized distribution automation system
- Use for fast fault detection linking with Recloser and pretection devices
- Use for fast fault detection and isolation for faulty areas based on DAS or DMS and return to service
- Use for intergrating with distribition automation system for LBS and RMU having only control box
- Secure convenience and reliability through remote operation,monitor and control based on distribution automation system
- Implement highly reliable FDIR (Fault Detection Isolation Restoration)
- Electrical Control for PAD Mounted LBS and RMU
- Test Set for BR-10PS Control
- Simple Central Management Software (SCMS)